Częściowe tłumaczenia T.4


Welcome to your Częściowe tłumaczenia T.4

1. My grandma often talks (do siebie)

2. Yesterday, while my mum (gotowała obiad) my dad was repairing our dishwasher.

3. (Nikt nie lubi) her. She’s so rude.

4. Can you pass me (tamte pomarańcze) , please.

5. (Nie ma) any space in your room. You should tidy up.

6. This is the man (którego widziałam) at the party last year. Do you remember him?

7. (Czy rozumiesz) this text?

8. (Sprawdziłaś) the answers I gave you yet? Well, I want to know if they are correct.

9. You should be (ostrożniejszy) when you drive at night.

10. Could you (mówić wolniej)   please. I don’t understand you.

11. It was (taka długa) lesson that I fell asleep.

12. These photos (zostały zrobione) during my last trip to Mexico.

13. (Obawiam się) that I’ve lost my cell phone.

14. All the emails (nie zostały wysłane) yet.

15. When ( masz zamiar) to tidy up your room?

16. Excuse me, (czy jest) any pharmacy near here?

17. (Po ile jest) this book?

18. I don’t have (nic do zrobienia) so I will watch a film.

19. This car (jest nasz)   and that one over there is theirs.

20. While Joan (oglądała) a film on TV, somebody called her.

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