Częściowe tłumaczenia T.2


Welcome to your Częściowe tłumaczenia T.2

1. Sorry for being late. How long (czekasz) waiting here?

2. I ( nie stać mnie) to buy a new computer this month.

3. (Nie ma) food in the fridge. We must go shopping.

4. (Ile pieniędzy) will you take with you?

5. These beautiful clothes (są robione) in Poland.

6. (Nie możesz) pay by card in this shop.

7. Jack is (takim miłym) guy – he always helps me with my homework.

8. If we (nie pośpieszymy się) we’ll miss the flight.

9. Pupils (nie wolno używać) cell phones during exam.

10. How often (on chodzi) to the museum?

11. You are (tak wysoki jak) your brother.

12. This is my book and that one (jest jej)

13. While (jadłam) dinner, Ann called.

14. They give presents (sobie nawzajem)

15. Most of our savings (zostanie wydana) on a new flat.

16. (Był) a serious accident in Victoria Street two days ago.

17. Mark finished (odrabiać) his homework and went for a walk.

18. It’s (najdroższy) laptop in the shop.

19. (Nie wolno ci) talk during the performance.

20. He (nie był) in a library since he left school.

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